A third party Golang package for integrating Golang projects with IP-API’s API.
The goal of this Golang package is to provide an easy-to-use package for integrating IP-API’s API into the Golang environment.
There are two main structs within this package:
The query struct is design to be what is passed to the functions and eventually be executed against IP-API’s API.
type Query struct {
Queries []QueryIP `json:"queries"` Slice of QueryIPs. NOTE: If executing the single query function, only 1 QueryIP can be passed.
Fields string `json:"fields,omitempty"` This is a string of comma separated fields.
Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` This is a string of the language you wish to have returned.
type QueryIP struct {
Query string `json:"query"` This is a string of either the IP address or DNS name you wish to query.
Fields string `json:"fields,omitempty"` This is a string of comma separated fields. NOTE: Overwrites fields in Query struct.
Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` This is a string of the language you wish to have returned. NOTE: Overwrites lang in Query struct.
List of possible fields that can be passed: status, message, continent, continentCode, country, countryCode, region, regionName, city, district, zip, lat, lon, timezone, offset, isp, org, as, asname, reverse, mobile, proxy, query 1
List of possible languages that can be passed: en, de, es, pt-BR, fr, ja, zh-CN, ru 2
The location struct is designed to take the return of the IP-API query and provide it in an easy-to-use struct.
type Location struct {
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Continent string `json:"continent,omitempty"`
ContinentCode string `json:"continentCode,omitempty"`
Country string `json:"country,omitempty"`
CountryCode string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`
RegionName string `json:"regionName,omitempty"`
City string `json:"city,omitempty"`
District string `json:"district,omitempty"`
ZIP string `json:"zip,omitempty"`
Lat *float32 `json:"lat,omitempty"`
Lon *float32 `json:"lon,omitempty"`
Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"`
Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"`
Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
ISP string `json:"isp,omitempty"`
Org string `json:"org,omitempty"`
AS string `json:"as,omitempty"`
ASName string `json:"asname,omitempty"`
Reverse string `json:"reverse,omitempty"`
Mobile *bool `json:"mobile,omitempty"`
Proxy *bool `json:"proxy,omitempty"`
Hosting *bool `json:"hosting,omitempty"`
Query string `json:"query,omitempty"`
There are four (4) main functions within this package:
These functions allow someone to query IP-API’s API within Golang and return the values as Golang structs to be used within other Golang applications.
The SingleQuery function is designed to make a single request against the API.
The BatchQuery function is designed to take advantage of IP-API’s batch API. This is designed to allow for multiple queries to be executed at the same time to reduce overall query time.
An observation about the batch query. It sometime appears to return less data then the single query on the exact same query even when the same fields are passed. This is something that appears to be on the IP-API end, not the package end.
The ValidateFields function is designed to validate that the fields which are being passed to the IP-API are valid.
The validateLang function is designed to validate the lang string which is one of the languages supported by IP-API.
I currently have not tested the functionality of the Pro-stuff as I don’t currently have access to it. If you encounter any issues with it, please let me know so that I can fix them.